We took a week of our Tot school to do a Fall theme. We didn't do a letter or number but instead took some time to review. I got out our fall & Thanksgiving themed books also. Here is a mini-sensory bin he enjoyed... (Can you see the marker on his leg? That wasn't in a curriculum, haha!)
Making this pumpkin...
Our trip to the Pumpkin Patch! My mom was able to go with us this year which was so fun! Here's our post from last year.
We spent Thanksgiving at my Dad's house, which is on a ranch in the middle of nowhere, TX.
My niece & K are 3 wks apart. They have fun together!
My dad, step-mom, and the grandkids.

Something I didn't get a picture of was G-man riding the horse. We discovered he has a love of animals. He grabbed onto the mane & buried his face in, just laughing & laughing. He also laughed & got SO excited any time the dog came around!
I did the 21 Days of Thankfulness Dare on Facebook this year, posting one thing I was thankful for each day. I wanted to keep a record of it, so here it is! :)
- Today I am thankful for: the way Christ chose me, chases me, corrects me, and treasures me, and the way He does not let me rest for long unless it's in Him.
- So thankful for my husband who knows and has what it takes to be a good husband and father!
- Today I am thankful for this little boy who stole me heart 3 yrs ago & won't give it back! He makes me laugh EVERY day and really loves his Mama! Being his mom is so fun. (K-boy)
- Thankful today for my little bug. He keeps me on my toes. I am really thankful his 2nd yr is coming up, bc it's my FAV age! :) Love you, G Man!
- Thankful for my favorite pasttimes (recently, anyway): audio sermons, Starbucks, parenting books, worship music.
- OK, I'm only going to have one post about the election results, so as not to bother people toooo much, lol... (oh, & I'm thankful for the right to vote today!)
- Hard to be thankful today, so I guess I'm thankful for struggles. God is always fighting for our joy. We are not above Jesus, "who, for the JOY set before him, endured the cross." [after the election results]
- Today I'm thankful for the internet (deep, I know).
- Thankful for sleep- when babies sleep & when I get to sleep. :D
- Thankful to live in TX. (& thankful my sons are 7th generation.) ;)
- Thankful today for our veterans and their wives!
- SO thankful for chiropractors today (was taking tylenol 3 & muscle relaxers all wkend bc I put off going for my headaches & they got BAD, gone today after one adjustment- less than 5 min!... AND paid for by my PIP on my car insurance from the wreck! ;) ) and for the incredible difference natural docs have made in my life in many areas!
- I'm thankful for my mom. She's the best! She is always willing to help & encourage, & we don't know where we'd be w/o her!
- Thankful today for coffee, raw milk, hot water, my select comfort mattress, 80's country music, old church hymns, & shared memories= comfort.
- Thankful today for the rest of my family...
my aunt, for always being interested in others.
my oldest bro, for being someone to look up to
my younger bro, for making my childhood so much more fun & for his encouragement
my middle bro, for being a great big brother & making me laugh
my SIL, for accepting me as a sister, my first one :)
my newest sister (SIL), and one of the coolest girls I know! :) So excited she is part of our family!
my stepdad- for his patience & good stories
& for my only living grandparent, Gran, who is the world's best grandmother!! (seriously, better than yours, lol) - Thankful for my dad & stepmom, who are hosting Thanksgiving next week! Can't wait to see you guys!
- Thankful today for the family I married into...
my MIL- for being so hospitable & causing me no MIL drama! ha.
& FIL- for wisdom & advice fitly shared
I am blessed w/ great IL's all around. :) I listed each sibling out, but I don't want to list all their names here, plus, there are 13 of them! :) - Thankful for some "time off" today!
- Thankful today for the changing colors & smell of wood piles burning- fall memories.
- SO thankful for all our new friends in our new town who made us feel so welcome. You know who you all are. Love you guys!
- thankful today for laughter. :)
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